
Visual Studio Code


  • VSCode doesn’t recognize your the location of your pipenv venv (pipenv --venv displays its location)

  • Select Python Environment is always displayed

  • you consistenly get the following warning(⚠️):

Workspace contains Pipfile but the associated virtual environment has not been setup. Setup the virtual environment manually if needed.


  • open .vscode/settings.json & append:

"python.pythonPath": "path_to_the_venv/bin/python"

where path_to_the_venv is the path given by pipenv --venv

  • make sure the you installed pipenv for the same python version mentioned in Pipfile/Pipfile.lock. If this is not possible/annoying, consider setting the python version in Pipfile to the version you are using & installling dependencies from Pipfile instead of Pipfile.lock (with the caveats mentioned in the setup instructions)

  • run pipenv install --dev to install development packages

IntelliSense & the python extension should work now, though the warning message might persist.


If upon running or, you get an error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 11, in <module>
    from sources import *
  File "/home/artery/artery-scripts/", line 4, in <module>
    import ujson
ImportError: /home/artery/.local/share/virtualenvs/artery-scripts-f1mZWz4T/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ undefined symbol: Buffer_AppendShortHexUnchecked

This is a known issue in µjson.
Install µjson with your distribution’s package manager & copy that version into your virtual environment:
cp -f /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ /home/artery/.local/share/virtualenvs/artery-scripts-f1mZWz4T/lib/python3.6/site-packages/


When using SLURM and calling the run scripts generated by or, and error similar to the following can occur:

slurmstepd-i5: error: couldn't chdir to `/opt/tmpssd/awesome-project/artery-scripts/slurm': No such file or directory: going to /tmp instead

This occurs when the executing node (in the example i5) cannot access the current working directory. This can be the case when using the local SSDs of the servers. If you use them, make sure to execute the scripts from the /net path. So for example:

~$ cd /net/i4/opt/tmpssd/awesome-project/artery-scripts/slurm
/net/i4/opt/tmpssd/awesome-project/artery-scripts/slurm $ sbatch

instead of

~$ cd /opt/tmpssd/awesome-project/artery-scripts/slurm
/opt/tmpssd/awesome-project/artery-scripts/slurm $ sbatch