Source code for extractors

from typing import Optional, Union, List, Set, Tuple

import re

# ---

from common.logging_facilities import loge, logd, logw

# ---

import yaml
from yaml import YAMLObject

# ---

import pandas as pd

# ---

import dask

import dask.distributed

# ---

from sqlalchemy import create_engine

# ---

import sql_queries

from yaml_helper import proto_constructor

from data_io import DataSet

from tag_extractor import ExtractRunParametersTagsOperation
import tag_regular_expressions as tag_regex


# ---

[docs] class SqlLiteReader(): r""" A utility class to run a query over a SQLite3 database or to extract the parameters and attributes for a run from a database. Parameters ---------- db_file : str The path to the SQLite3 database file. """ def __init__(self, db_file): self.db_file = db_file self.connection = None self.engine = None
[docs] def connect(self): self.engine = create_engine("sqlite:///"+self.db_file) self.connection = self.engine.connect()
[docs] def disconnect(self): self.connection.close()
[docs] def execute_sql_query(self, query): self.connect() result = pd.read_sql_query(query, self.connection) self.disconnect() return result
[docs] def parameter_extractor(self): self.connect() result = pd.read_sql_query(sql_queries.run_param_query, self.connection) self.disconnect() return result
[docs] def config_extractor(self): self.connect() result = pd.read_sql_query(sql_queries.run_config_query, self.connection) self.disconnect() return result
[docs] def attribute_extractor(self): self.connect() result = pd.read_sql_query(sql_queries.run_attr_query, self.connection) self.disconnect() return result
[docs] def extract_tags(self, attributes_regex_map, iterationvars_regex_map, parameters_regex_map): r""" Parameters ---------- attributes_regex_map : dict The dictionary containing the definitions for the tags to extract from the `runAttr` table. iterationvars_regex_map : dict The dictionary containing the definitions for the tags to extract from the `iterationvars` attribute. parameters_regex_map : dict The dictionary containing the definitions for the tags to extract from the `runParam` table. Extract all tags defined in the given mappings from the `runAttr` and `runParam` tables and parse the value of the `iterationvars` attribute. See the module `tag_regular_expressions` for the expected structure of the mappings. """ # Determine OMNeT++ version by checking whether a `runParam` or a `runConfig` table exists. # OMNeT++ versions >= 6 store the parameters in the `runConfig` table, previous versions in the `runParams` table. runParamName = self.execute_sql_query("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE name='runParam';") runConfigName = self.execute_sql_query("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE name='runConfig';") if len(runParamName) and runConfigName.empty: # versions < 6 parameter_extractor = self.parameter_extractor isOmnetv6 = False elif runParamName.empty and len(runConfigName) == 1: # versions >= 6 parameter_extractor = self.config_extractor isOmnetv6 = True else: raise NotImplementedError( "Neither the `runParam` nor the `runConfig` table has been found in the input database. " "This is possibly either a corrupted database or an unknown OMNeT++ version." ) tags = ExtractRunParametersTagsOperation.extract_attributes_and_params(parameter_extractor, self.attribute_extractor , parameters_regex_map, attributes_regex_map, iterationvars_regex_map , isOmnetv6=isOmnetv6 ) return tags
[docs] class DataAttributes(YAMLObject): r""" A class for assigning arbitrary attributes to a dataset. The constructor accept an arbitrary number of keyword arguments and turns them into object attributes. Parameters ---------- source_file : str The file name the dataset was extracted from. source_files : List[str] The list of file names the dataset was extracted from. common_root : str The root directory that was not containing regex for search files. alias : List[str] The alias given to the data in the dataset. aliases : List[str] The aliases given to the data in the dataset. """ def __init__(self, /, **kwargs): self.source_files = set() self.aliases = set() for key in kwargs: if key == 'source_file': self.source_files.add(kwargs[key]) elif key == 'source_files': for file in kwargs[key]: self.source_files.add(kwargs[key]) elif key == 'common_root': self.common_root = kwargs[key] elif key == 'alias': self.aliases.add(kwargs[key]) elif key == 'aliases': for file in kwargs[key]: self.aliases.add(kwargs[key]) else: setattr(self, key, kwargs[key])
[docs] def get_source_files(self) -> Set[str]: return self.source_files
[docs] def common_root(self) -> Set[str]: return self.common_root
[docs] def add_source_file(self, source_file:str): self.source_files.add(source_file)
[docs] def add_source_files(self, source_files:Set[str]): for source_file in source_files: self.source_files.add(source_file)
[docs] def get_aliases(self) -> Set[str]: return self.aliases
[docs] def add_alias(self, alias:str): self.aliases.add(alias)
[docs] def remove_source_file(self, source_file:str): self.source_files.remove(source_file)
def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self.__dict__) def __repr__(self) -> str: return str(self.__dict__)
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[docs] class Extractor(YAMLObject): r""" A class for extracting and preprocessing data from a SQLite database. This is the abstract base class. """ yaml_tag = '!Extractor'
[docs] def prepare(self): r""" Prepare and return a list or a single dask.Delayed task. """ return None
[docs] def set_tag_maps(self, attributes_regex_map, iterationvars_regex_map, parameters_regex_map): setattr(self, 'attributes_regex_map', attributes_regex_map) setattr(self, 'iterationvars_regex_map', iterationvars_regex_map) setattr(self, 'parameters_regex_map', parameters_regex_map)
[docs] class BaseExtractor(Extractor): yaml_tag = '!BaseExtractor' def __init__(self, /, input_files:list[str] , categorical_columns:Optional[list[str]] = None , numerical_columns:Optional[Union[dict[str, str], list[str]]] = None , *args, **kwargs ): self.input_files:list = list(input_files) # categorical_columns and numerical_columns (if appropriate) are explicitly converted # to a set to alleviate the need for an explicit tag in the YAML recipe, since pyyaml # always interprets values in curly braces as dictionaries if not categorical_columns: self.categorical_columns:set[str] = set() else: self.categorical_columns:set[str] = set(categorical_columns) if not numerical_columns: self.numerical_columns:set[str] = set() else: if not isinstance(numerical_columns, dict): self.numerical_columns:set[str] = set(numerical_columns) else: self.numerical_columns:dict[str, str] = dict(numerical_columns)
[docs] @staticmethod def convert_columns_dtype(data:pd.DataFrame , categorical_columns:Optional[set[str]] = None , numerical_columns:Optional[Union[dict[str, str], set[str]]] = None): r""" Convert the data in the specified columns of the given DataFrame to either a `categorical data type <>`_ or a `numerical data type <>`_ Parameters ---------- data: pd.DataFrame The input DataFrame whose columns are to be converted. categorical_columns: Optional[set[str]] The set of names of the columns to convert to a categorical data type. numerical_columns: Optional[Union[dict[str, str], set[str]]] The set of names of the columns to convert to a categorical data type. The data type to convert to can also be given explicitly as a dictionary with the column names as keys and the data type as values. """ if not categorical_columns: categorical_columns = frozenset() if not numerical_columns: numerical_columns = frozenset() # get the set of columns actually present in the DataFrame actual_categorical_columns = categorical_columns.intersection(data.columns) missing_categorical_columns = categorical_columns.difference(actual_categorical_columns) if len(missing_categorical_columns) > 0: logw(f"columns for conversion to categorical data types not found in DataFrame: {missing_categorical_columns}") # if the numerical data types are explicitly given as a dictionary, use them if isinstance(numerical_columns, dict): numerical_columns_set = set(numerical_columns.keys()) numerical_columns_dict = numerical_columns else: # if the numerical data types are not explicitly given, convert to float numerical_columns_set = numerical_columns numerical_columns_dict = {} for column in numerical_columns_set: numerical_columns_dict[column] = 'float' actual_numerical_columns = numerical_columns_set.intersection(data.columns) missing_numerical_columns = numerical_columns_set.difference(actual_numerical_columns) if len(missing_numerical_columns) > 0: logw(f"columns for conversion to numerical data types not found in DataFrame: {missing_numerical_columns}") logd(f"columns to convert to categorical data types: {actual_categorical_columns}") def key_extractor(obj): def is_float(string): return string.replace('.', '').isnumeric() def convert_numerical(num_str): if num_str.isnumeric(): # convert to int if it's numerical return int(num_str) elif is_float(num_str): # convert to float if it's numerical when a period is removed return float(num_str) elif num_str.isalpha(): # not a numerical return num_str if isinstance(obj, str): # characters that are used as separators in e.g. variable names separator_map = { '-':'', '_':'', ':':'', ' ':'' } if obj.isalpha(): return obj elif obj.isnumeric(): return int(obj) elif is_float(obj): return float(obj) elif obj.translate(str.maketrans(separator_map)).isalnum(): # obj is alpha-numerical with possible extra ascii characters used as separators # split the string into characters and numerical literals regex = re.compile(r'[^\W\d_]+|\d+') split_str = regex.findall(obj) for i in range(0, len(split_str)): split_str[i] = convert_numerical(split_str[i]) return tuple(split_str) else: return obj else: # return object as is for int, float or other return obj for column in actual_categorical_columns: data[column] = data[column].astype('category') sorted_categories = sorted(data[column].cat.categories, key=key_extractor) data[column] = data[column].astype(pd.CategoricalDtype(categories=sorted_categories, ordered=True)) logd(f'{column=} {data[column].dtype=}') logd(f"columns to convert to numerical data types: {actual_numerical_columns}") for column in actual_numerical_columns: data[column] = data[column].astype(numerical_columns_dict[column]) return data
[docs] @staticmethod def read_sql_from_file(db_file:str , query:str , includeFilename:bool=False ) -> pd.DataFrame: r""" Extract the data from a SQLite database into a `pandas.DataFrame <>`_ Parameters ---------- db_file: str The input file name from which data is to be extracted. query: str The SQL query to extract data from the input file. includeFilename: bool Whether to include the input file name in the column `filename` of the result DataFrame. """ sql_reader = SqlLiteReader(db_file) try: data = sql_reader.execute_sql_query(query) except Exception as e: loge(f'>>>> ERROR: no data could be extracted from {db_file}:\n {e}') return pd.DataFrame() if 'rowId' in data.columns: data = data.drop(labels=['rowId'], axis=1) if (data.empty): logw(f'Extractor: extraction yields no data for {db_file}') return pd.DataFrame() # add path to dataframe if (includeFilename): data["filename"] = str(db_file) return data
[docs] class SqlExtractor(BaseExtractor): r""" Extract the data from files using a SQL statement. Parameters ---------- input_files: List[str] The list of paths to the input files, as literal path or as a regular expression. query: str The SQL query used to extract data from the input files. """ yaml_tag = '!SqlExtractor' def __init__(self, /, input_files:list , query:str , includeFilename:bool = False , *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(input_files=input_files, *args, **kwargs) self.query:str = query self.includeFilename:bool = includeFilename
[docs] def prepare(self): data_set = DataSet(self.input_files) # For every input file construct a `Delayed` object, a kind of a promise # on the data and the leafs of the computation graph result_list = [] for db_file in data_set.get_file_list(): res = dask.delayed(SqlExtractor.read_query_from_file)\ (db_file, self.query , includeFilename=self.includeFilename , categorical_columns = self.categorical_columns , numerical_columns = self.numerical_columns ) attributes = DataAttributes(source_file=db_file, common_root=data_set.get_common_root()) result_list.append((res, attributes)) return result_list
[docs] @staticmethod def read_query_from_file(db_file , query , includeFilename=False , categorical_columns:Optional[set[str]] = None , numerical_columns:Optional[Union[dict[str, str], set[str]]] = None ): data = BaseExtractor.read_sql_from_file(db_file, query, includeFilename) # convert the data type of the explicitly named columns data = BaseExtractor.convert_columns_dtype(data \ , categorical_columns = categorical_columns \ , numerical_columns = numerical_columns ) return data
[docs] class OmnetExtractor(BaseExtractor): r""" A class for extracting and preprocessing data from a SQLite database. This is the base class. """ yaml_tag = '!OmnetExtractor' def __init__(self, /, input_files:list , categorical_columns:Optional[set[str]] = None , numerical_columns:Optional[Union[dict[str, str], set[str]]] = None , base_tags:Optional[List] = None , additional_tags:Optional[list[str]] = None , minimal_tags:bool = True , simtimeRaw:bool = True , moduleName:bool = True , eventNumber:bool = True , *args, **kwargs ): super().__init__(input_files=input_files , categorical_columns = categorical_columns , numerical_columns = numerical_columns , *args, **kwargs) if base_tags is not None: self.base_tags:list = base_tags else: if minimal_tags: self.base_tags = BASE_TAGS_EXTRACTION_MINIMAL else: self.base_tags = BASE_TAGS_EXTRACTION_FULL if additional_tags: self.additional_tags:list = list(additional_tags) else: self.additional_tags:list = list() self.minimal_tags:bool = minimal_tags self.simtimeRaw:bool = simtimeRaw self.moduleName:bool = moduleName self.eventNumber:bool = eventNumber
[docs] @staticmethod def apply_tags(data, tags, base_tags=None, additional_tags=[], minimal=True): if base_tags: allowed_tags = set(base_tags + additional_tags) else: if minimal: allowed_tags = set(BASE_TAGS_EXTRACTION_MINIMAL + additional_tags) else: allowed_tags = set(BASE_TAGS_EXTRACTION + additional_tags) applied_tags = [] # augment data with the extracted parameter tags for tag in tags: mapping = tag.get_mapping() if list(mapping)[0] in allowed_tags: data = data.assign(**mapping) applied_tags.append(tag) logd(f': {applied_tags=}') return data
[docs] @staticmethod def read_statistic_from_file(db_file, scalar, alias , runId:bool=True , moduleName:bool=True , statName:bool=False , statId:bool=False , **kwargs): query = sql_queries.generate_statistic_query(scalar , runId=runId , moduleName=moduleName ) return OmnetExtractor.read_query_from_file(db_file, query, alias, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def read_scalars_from_file(db_file, scalar, alias , runId:bool=True , moduleName:bool=True , scalarName:bool=False , scalarId:bool=False , **kwargs): query = sql_queries.generate_scalar_query(scalar, value_label=alias , runId=runId , moduleName=moduleName , scalarName=scalarName, scalarId=scalarId) return OmnetExtractor.read_query_from_file(db_file, query, alias, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def read_signals_from_file(db_file, signal, alias , simtimeRaw=True , moduleName=True , eventNumber=True , **kwargs): query = sql_queries.generate_signal_query(signal, value_label=alias , moduleName=moduleName , simtimeRaw=simtimeRaw , eventNumber=eventNumber) return OmnetExtractor.read_query_from_file(db_file, query, alias, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def read_pattern_matched_signals_from_file(db_file, pattern, alias , vectorName:bool=True , simtimeRaw:bool=True , moduleName:bool=True , eventNumber:bool=True , **kwargs): query = sql_queries.generate_signal_like_query(pattern, value_label=alias , vectorName=vectorName , moduleName=moduleName , simtimeRaw=simtimeRaw , eventNumber=eventNumber) return OmnetExtractor.read_query_from_file(db_file, query, alias, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def read_pattern_matched_scalars_from_file(db_file, pattern, alias , scalarName:bool=True , moduleName:bool=True , scalarId:bool=False , runId:bool=False , **kwargs): query = sql_queries.generate_scalar_like_query(pattern, value_label=alias , scalarName=scalarName , moduleName=moduleName , scalarId=scalarId , runId=runId) return OmnetExtractor.read_query_from_file(db_file, query, alias, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def read_query_from_file(db_file, query, alias , categorical_columns:Optional[set[str]]=None , numerical_columns:Optional[Union[dict[str,str], set[str]]]=None , base_tags = None, additional_tags = None , minimal_tags=True , simtimeRaw=True , moduleName=True , eventNumber=True , includeFilename=False , attributes_regex_map=tag_regex.attributes_regex_map , iterationvars_regex_map=tag_regex.iterationvars_regex_map , parameters_regex_map=tag_regex.parameters_regex_map ): sql_reader = SqlLiteReader(db_file) try: tags = sql_reader.extract_tags(attributes_regex_map, iterationvars_regex_map, parameters_regex_map) except Exception as e: loge(f'>>>> ERROR: no tags could be extracted from {db_file}:\n {e}') return pd.DataFrame() data = BaseExtractor.read_sql_from_file(db_file , query \ , includeFilename ) data = OmnetExtractor.apply_tags(data, tags, base_tags=base_tags, additional_tags=additional_tags, minimal=minimal_tags) # convert the data type of the explicitly named columns data = BaseExtractor.convert_columns_dtype(data \ , categorical_columns = categorical_columns \ , numerical_columns = numerical_columns ) return data
[docs] class RawStatisticExtractor(OmnetExtractor): r""" Extract the data for a signal from the `statistic` table of the input files specified. Parameters ---------- input_files: List[str] the list of paths to the input files, as literal path or as a regular expression signal: str the name of the signal which is to be extracted alias: str the name given to the column with the extracted signal data runId: str whether to extract the `runId` column as well statName: str whether to extract the `statName` column as well statId: str whether to extract the `statId` column as well """ yaml_tag = '!RawStatisticExtractor' def __init__(self, /, input_files:list , signal:str , alias:str , runId:bool=True , statName:bool=False , statId:bool=False , *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(input_files=input_files, *args, **kwargs) self.signal:str = signal self.alias:str = alias self.statName:bool = statName self.statId:bool = statId self.runId:bool = runId
[docs] def prepare(self): data_set = DataSet(self.input_files) # For every input file construct a `Delayed` object, a kind of a promise # on the data and the leafs of the computation graph result_list = [] for db_file in data_set.get_file_list(): res = dask.delayed(OmnetExtractor.read_statistic_from_file)\ (db_file, self.signal, self.alias , moduleName = self.moduleName , statName = self.statName , statId = self.statId , runId = self.runId , categorical_columns = self.categorical_columns , numerical_columns = self.numerical_columns , base_tags = self.base_tags , additional_tags = self.additional_tags , minimal_tags = self.minimal_tags , attributes_regex_map = self.attributes_regex_map , iterationvars_regex_map = self.iterationvars_regex_map , parameters_regex_map = self.parameters_regex_map ) attributes = DataAttributes(source_file=db_file, alias=self.alias, common_root=data_set.get_common_root()) result_list.append((res, attributes)) return result_list
[docs] class RawScalarExtractor(OmnetExtractor): r""" Extract the data for a signal from the `scalar` table of the input files specified. Parameters ---------- input_files: List[str] the list of paths to the input files, as literal path or as a regular expression signal: str the name of the signal which is to be extracted alias: str the name given to the column with the extracted signal data runId: str whether to extract the `runId` column as well scalarName: str whether to extract the `scalarName` column as well scalarId: str whether to extract the `scalarId` column as well """ yaml_tag = '!RawScalarExtractor' def __init__(self, /, input_files:list , signal:str , alias:str , runId:bool=True , scalarName:bool=False , scalarId:bool=False , *args, **kwargs ): super().__init__(input_files=input_files, *args, **kwargs) self.signal:str = signal self.alias:str = alias self.runId:bool = runId self.scalarName:bool = scalarName self.scalarId:bool = scalarId
[docs] def prepare(self): data_set = DataSet(self.input_files) # For every input file construct a `Delayed` object, a kind of a promise # on the data and the leafs of the computation graph result_list = [] for db_file in data_set.get_file_list(): res = dask.delayed(OmnetExtractor.read_scalars_from_file)\ (db_file, self.signal, self.alias , moduleName = self.moduleName , scalarName = self.scalarName , scalarId = self.scalarId , runId = self.runId , categorical_columns = self.categorical_columns , numerical_columns = self.numerical_columns , base_tags = self.base_tags , additional_tags = self.additional_tags , minimal_tags = self.minimal_tags , attributes_regex_map = self.attributes_regex_map , iterationvars_regex_map = self.iterationvars_regex_map , parameters_regex_map = self.parameters_regex_map ) attributes = DataAttributes(source_file=db_file, alias=self.alias, common_root=data_set.get_common_root()) result_list.append((res, attributes)) return result_list
[docs] class RawExtractor(OmnetExtractor): r""" Extract the data for a signal from the input files specified. Parameters ---------- input_files: List[str] the list of paths to the input files, as literal path or as a regular expression signal: str the name of the signal which is to be extracted alias: str the name given to the column with the extracted signal data """ yaml_tag = '!RawExtractor' def __init__(self, /, input_files:list , signal:str , alias:str , *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(input_files=input_files, *args, **kwargs) self.signal:str = signal self.alias:str = alias
[docs] def prepare(self): data_set = DataSet(self.input_files) # For every input file construct a `Delayed` object, a kind of a promise # on the data and the leafs of the computation graph result_list = [] for db_file in data_set.get_file_list(): res = dask.delayed(OmnetExtractor.read_signals_from_file)\ (db_file, self.signal, self.alias , moduleName = self.moduleName , eventNumber = self.eventNumber , simtimeRaw = self.simtimeRaw , categorical_columns = self.categorical_columns , numerical_columns = self.numerical_columns , base_tags = self.base_tags , additional_tags = self.additional_tags , minimal_tags = self.minimal_tags , attributes_regex_map = self.attributes_regex_map , iterationvars_regex_map = self.iterationvars_regex_map , parameters_regex_map = self.parameters_regex_map ) attributes = DataAttributes(source_file=db_file, alias=self.alias, common_root=data_set.get_common_root()) result_list.append((res, attributes)) return result_list
[docs] class PositionExtractor(OmnetExtractor): r""" Extract the data for a signal, with the associated positions, from the input files specified. Parameters ---------- input_files: List[str] the list of paths to the input files, as literal path or as a regular expression x_signal: str the name of the signal with the x-axis coordinates x_alias: str the name given to the column with the extracted x-axis position data y_signal: str the name of the signal with the y-axis coordinates y_alias: str the name given to the column with the extracted y-axis position data signal: str the name of the signal to extract alias: str the name given to the column with the extracted signal data restriction: Optional[Union[Tuple[float], str]] this defines a area restriction on the positions from which the signal data is extracted, the tuple (x0, y0, x1, y1) defines the corners of a rectangle """ yaml_tag = '!PositionExtractor' def __init__(self, /, input_files:list , x_signal:str, x_alias:str , y_signal:str, y_alias:str , signal:str , alias:str , restriction:Optional[Union[Tuple[float], str]] = None , *args, **kwargs ): super().__init__(input_files=input_files, *args, **kwargs) self.x_signal:str = x_signal self.x_alias:str = x_alias self.y_signal:str = y_signal self.y_alias:str = y_alias self.signal:str = signal self.alias:str = alias if restriction and isinstance(restriction, str): self.restriction = eval(restriction) else: self.restriction = restriction
[docs] @staticmethod def read_position_and_signal_from_file(db_file , x_signal:str , y_signal:str , x_alias:str , y_alias:str , signal:str , alias:str , restriction:tuple=None , moduleName:bool=True , simtimeRaw:bool=True , eventNumber:bool=False , categorical_columns:Optional[set[str]]=None , numerical_columns:Optional[Union[dict[str,str], set[str]]]=None , base_tags = None, additional_tags = None , minimal_tags=True , attributes_regex_map=tag_regex.attributes_regex_map , iterationvars_regex_map=tag_regex.iterationvars_regex_map , parameters_regex_map=tag_regex.parameters_regex_map ): sql_reader = SqlLiteReader(db_file) try: tags = sql_reader.extract_tags(attributes_regex_map, iterationvars_regex_map, parameters_regex_map) except Exception as e: loge(f'>>>> ERROR: no tags could be extracted from {db_file}:\n {e}') return pd.DataFrame() query = sql_queries.get_signal_with_position(x_signal=x_signal, y_signal=y_signal , value_label_px=x_alias, value_label_py=y_alias , signal_name=signal, value_label=alias , restriction=restriction , moduleName=moduleName , simtimeRaw=simtimeRaw , eventNumber=eventNumber ) try: data = sql_reader.execute_sql_query(query) except Exception as e: loge(f'>>>> ERROR: no data could be extracted from {db_file}:\n {e}') return pd.DataFrame() if 'rowId' in data.columns: data = data.drop(labels=['rowId'], axis=1) data = OmnetExtractor.apply_tags(data, tags, base_tags=base_tags, additional_tags=additional_tags, minimal=minimal_tags) # convert the data type of the explicitly named columns data = OmnetExtractor.convert_columns_dtype(data \ , categorical_columns = categorical_columns \ , numerical_columns = numerical_columns ) return data
[docs] def prepare(self): data_set = DataSet(self.input_files) # For every input file construct a `Delayed` object, a kind of a promise # on the data and the leafs of the computation graph result_list = [] for db_file in data_set.get_file_list(): res = dask.delayed(PositionExtractor.read_position_and_signal_from_file)\ (db_file , self.x_signal , self.y_signal , self.x_alias , self.y_alias , self.signal , self.alias , restriction=self.restriction , moduleName=self.moduleName , simtimeRaw=self.simtimeRaw , eventNumber=self.eventNumber , categorical_columns=self.categorical_columns \ , numerical_columns=self.numerical_columns \ , base_tags=self.base_tags, additional_tags=self.additional_tags , minimal_tags=self.minimal_tags ) attributes = DataAttributes(source_file=db_file, alias=self.alias, common_root=data_set.get_common_root()) result_list.append((res, attributes)) return result_list
[docs] class MatchingExtractor(OmnetExtractor): r""" Extract the data for multiple signals matching a regular expression, with the associated positions, from the input files specified. Parameters ---------- input_files: List[str] the list of paths to the input files, as literal path or as a regular expression pattern: str the regular expression used for matching possible signal names alias_pattern: str the template string for naming the extracted signal alias: str the name given to the column with the extracted signal data """ yaml_tag = '!MatchingExtractor' def __init__(self, /, input_files:list , pattern:str , alias_pattern:str , alias:str , *args, **kwargs ): super().__init__(input_files=input_files, *args, **kwargs) self.pattern:str = pattern self.alias_pattern:str = alias_pattern self.alias:str = alias
[docs] @staticmethod def get_matching_signals(db_file, pattern, alias_pattern): sql_reader = SqlLiteReader(db_file) # first, get the names of all the signals query = sql_queries.signal_names_query try: data = sql_reader.execute_sql_query(query) except Exception as e: loge(f'>>>> ERROR: no signal names could be extracted from {db_file}:\n {e}') return pd.DataFrame() # deduplicate the entries int the list of possible signals signals = list(set(data['vectorName'])) # compile the signal matching regex regex = re.compile(pattern) # then check for matching signals matching_signals = [] for signal in signals: r = if r: # construct the new name by substituting the matched and bound variables alias = alias_pattern.format(**r.groupdict()) matching_signals.append((signal, alias)) return matching_signals
[docs] @staticmethod def extract_all_signals(db_file, signals , categorical_columns:Optional[set[str]]=None , numerical_columns:Optional[Union[dict[str,str], set[str]]]=None , base_tags=None, additional_tags=None , minimal_tags=True , attributes_regex_map=tag_regex.attributes_regex_map , iterationvars_regex_map=tag_regex.iterationvars_regex_map , parameters_regex_map=tag_regex.parameters_regex_map , moduleName:bool=True , simtimeRaw:bool=True , eventNumber:bool=False ): result_list = [] for signal, alias in signals: res = OmnetExtractor.read_signals_from_file(db_file, signal, alias \ , categorical_columns=categorical_columns \ , numerical_columns=numerical_columns , base_tags=base_tags, additional_tags=additional_tags , minimal_tags=minimal_tags , attributes_regex_map=attributes_regex_map , iterationvars_regex_map=iterationvars_regex_map , parameters_regex_map=parameters_regex_map , simtimeRaw=simtimeRaw , moduleName=moduleName , eventNumber=eventNumber ) result_list.append((res, alias)) for i in range(0, len(result_list)): df = result_list[i][0] alias = result_list[i][1] # use all non-value column as primary (composite) key for the value column id_columns = list(set(df.columns).difference(set([alias]))) # pivot the signal column into new rows df = df.melt(id_vars=id_columns, value_vars=alias, value_name='value') result_list[i] = df if len(result_list) > 0: result = pd.concat(result_list, ignore_index=True) # convert the data type of the explicitly named columns result = OmnetExtractor.convert_columns_dtype(result , categorical_columns=categorical_columns \ , numerical_columns=numerical_columns ) return result else: return pd.DataFrame()
[docs] def prepare(self): data_set = DataSet(self.input_files) # For every input file construct a `Delayed` object, a kind of a promise # on the data, and the leafs of the task graph result_list = [] for db_file in data_set.get_file_list(): # get all signal names that match the given regular expression matching_signals_result = dask.delayed(MatchingExtractor.get_matching_signals)(db_file, self.pattern, self.alias_pattern) # get the data for the matched signals res = dask.delayed(MatchingExtractor.extract_all_signals)(db_file, matching_signals_result , self.categorical_columns , self.numerical_columns , base_tags=self.base_tags, additional_tags=self.additional_tags , minimal_tags=self.minimal_tags , attributes_regex_map=self.attributes_regex_map , iterationvars_regex_map=self.iterationvars_regex_map , parameters_regex_map=self.parameters_regex_map , simtimeRaw=self.simtimeRaw , moduleName=self.moduleName , eventNumber=self.eventNumber ) attributes = DataAttributes(source_file=db_file, alias=self.alias, common_root=data_set.get_common_root()) result_list.append((res, attributes)) return result_list
[docs] class PatternMatchingBulkExtractor(OmnetExtractor): r""" Extract the data for multiple signals matching a SQL LIKE pattern expression from the input files specified. Parameters ---------- input_files: list[str] The list of paths to the input files, as literal path or as a regular expression. pattern: str The SQL LIKE pattern used for matching on the `vectorName` column. See the SQLite `expression syntax <>`_ documentation for the syntax rules. Note that this is (by default) not case sensitive for ASCII characters, but is case sensitive for unicode characters outside of ASCII. alias: str The name given to the column with the extracted signal data. alias_match_pattern: str The regular expression used for extracting substrings from the `vectorName` column of the extracted data and binding them to variables that can be used in the parameter `alias_pattern`. In regular expression terminology these substrings are called named capture groups. For details see the documentation for `syntax <>`_ and `named groups <>`_. alias_pattern: str The format string used in naming the different extracted signal. This is formatted by `str.format <>`_ with the variables extracted via the `alias_match_pattern` passed as arguments. For syntax and details see the documentation for `formatstrings <>`_. This is placed into the `variable` column """ yaml_tag = '!PatternMatchingBulkExtractor' def __init__(self, /, input_files:list , pattern:str , alias:str , alias_match_pattern:str , alias_pattern:str , *args, **kwargs ): super().__init__(input_files=input_files, *args, **kwargs) self.pattern:str = pattern self.alias:str = alias self.alias_match_pattern:str = alias_match_pattern self.alias_pattern:str = alias_pattern
[docs] @staticmethod def extract_all_signals(db_file, pattern, alias , alias_match_pattern:str, alias_pattern:str , categorical_columns:Optional[set[str]]=None , numerical_columns:Optional[Union[dict[str,str], set[str]]]=None , base_tags=None, additional_tags=None , minimal_tags=True , attributes_regex_map=tag_regex.attributes_regex_map , iterationvars_regex_map=tag_regex.iterationvars_regex_map , parameters_regex_map=tag_regex.parameters_regex_map , vectorName:bool=True , moduleName:bool=True , simtimeRaw:bool=True , eventNumber:bool=False ): data = OmnetExtractor.read_pattern_matched_signals_from_file(db_file, pattern, alias \ , categorical_columns=categorical_columns \ , numerical_columns=numerical_columns , base_tags=base_tags, additional_tags=additional_tags , minimal_tags=minimal_tags , attributes_regex_map=attributes_regex_map , iterationvars_regex_map=iterationvars_regex_map , parameters_regex_map=parameters_regex_map , vectorName=vectorName , simtimeRaw=simtimeRaw , moduleName=moduleName , eventNumber=eventNumber ) if data is None or data.empty: return pd.DataFrame() def process_vectorName(d): # compile the signal matching regex regex = re.compile(alias_match_pattern) r = if r: # construct the new name by substituting the matched and bound variables alias = alias_pattern.format(**r.groupdict()) return alias return d try: data['variable'] = data['vectorName'].apply(process_vectorName) except Exception as e: loge(f"error assigning the variable name") loge(f'=<=<= {db_file=}') loge(f'=<=<= {data=}') data = data.drop(['vectorName'], axis=1) if data is not None and not data.empty: # convert the data type of the explicitly named columns result = OmnetExtractor.convert_columns_dtype(data , categorical_columns=categorical_columns \ , numerical_columns=numerical_columns ) return result else: return pd.DataFrame()
[docs] def prepare(self): data_set = DataSet(self.input_files) # For every input file construct a `Delayed` object, a kind of a promise # on the data, and the leafs of the task graph result_list = [] for db_file in data_set.get_file_list(): # get the data for all signals that match the given SQL pattern res = dask.delayed(PatternMatchingBulkExtractor.extract_all_signals)(db_file, self.pattern, self.alias , self.alias_match_pattern, self.alias_pattern , self.categorical_columns , self.numerical_columns , base_tags=self.base_tags, additional_tags=self.additional_tags , minimal_tags=self.minimal_tags , attributes_regex_map=self.attributes_regex_map , iterationvars_regex_map=self.iterationvars_regex_map , parameters_regex_map=self.parameters_regex_map , vectorName=True , simtimeRaw=self.simtimeRaw , moduleName=self.moduleName , eventNumber=self.eventNumber ) attributes = DataAttributes(source_file=db_file, alias=self.alias, common_root=data_set.get_common_root()) result_list.append((res, attributes)) return result_list
[docs] class PatternMatchingBulkScalarExtractor(OmnetExtractor): r""" Extract the data for multiple scalars matching a SQL LIKE pattern expression from the input files specified. Equivalent to: SELECT * FROM scalar WHERE scalarName LIKE <pattern>; Parameters ---------- input_files: List[str] the list of paths to the input files, as literal path or as a regular expression pattern: str the SQL LIKE pattern matching expression used for matching on possible signal names alias: str the name given to the column with the extracted signal data alias_match_pattern: str the regular expression used for extracting named capture groups from the matched signal names alias_pattern: str the template string for naming the extracted signal from the named capture groups matched by alias_match_pattern runId: bool whether to extract the runId column scalarId: bool whether to extract the scalarId column scalarName: bool whether to extract the scalarName column """ yaml_tag = '!PatternMatchingBulkScalarExtractor' def __init__(self, /, input_files:list , pattern:str , alias:str , alias_match_pattern:str , alias_pattern:str , scalarName:bool = True , scalarId:bool = False , runId:bool = False , *args, **kwargs ): super().__init__(input_files=input_files, *args, **kwargs) self.pattern:str = pattern self.alias:str = alias self.alias_match_pattern:str = alias_match_pattern self.alias_pattern:str = alias_pattern self.runId:bool = runId self.scalarId:bool = runId self.scalarName:bool = runId
[docs] @staticmethod def extract_all_scalars(db_file, pattern, alias , alias_match_pattern:str, alias_pattern:str , categorical_columns:Optional[set[str]]=None , numerical_columns:Optional[Union[dict[str,str], set[str]]]=None , base_tags=None, additional_tags=None , minimal_tags=True , attributes_regex_map=tag_regex.attributes_regex_map , iterationvars_regex_map=tag_regex.iterationvars_regex_map , parameters_regex_map=tag_regex.parameters_regex_map , scalarName:bool=True , scalarId:bool=True , moduleName:bool=True , runId:bool=False ): data = OmnetExtractor.read_pattern_matched_scalars_from_file(db_file, pattern, alias \ , categorical_columns=categorical_columns \ , numerical_columns=numerical_columns , base_tags=base_tags, additional_tags=additional_tags , minimal_tags=minimal_tags , attributes_regex_map=attributes_regex_map , iterationvars_regex_map=iterationvars_regex_map , parameters_regex_map=parameters_regex_map , scalarName=scalarName , scalarId=scalarId , moduleName=moduleName , runId=runId ) print(f'{data=}') if data is None or (data is not None and data.empty): return pd.DataFrame() def process_vectorName(d): # compile the signal matching regex regex = re.compile(alias_match_pattern) r = if r: # construct the new name by substituting the matched and bound variables alias = alias_pattern.format(**r.groupdict()) return alias return d try: data['variable'] = data['scalarName'].apply(process_vectorName) except Exception as e: loge(f"error assigning the variable name") loge(f'=<=<= {e=}') loge(f'=<=<= {db_file=}') loge(f'=<=<= {data=}') data = data.drop(['scalarName'], axis=1) if data is not None and not data.empty: # convert the data type of the explicitly named columns result = OmnetExtractor.convert_columns_dtype(data , categorical_columns=categorical_columns \ , numerical_columns=numerical_columns ) return result else: return pd.DataFrame()
[docs] def prepare(self): data_set = DataSet(self.input_files) # For every input file construct a `Delayed` object, a kind of a promise # on the data, and the leafs of the task graph result_list = [] for db_file in data_set.get_file_list(): # get the data for all signals that match the given SQL pattern res = dask.delayed(PatternMatchingBulkScalarExtractor.extract_all_scalars)(db_file, self.pattern, self.alias , self.alias_match_pattern, self.alias_pattern , self.categorical_columns , self.numerical_columns , base_tags=self.base_tags, additional_tags=self.additional_tags , minimal_tags=self.minimal_tags , attributes_regex_map=self.attributes_regex_map , iterationvars_regex_map=self.iterationvars_regex_map , parameters_regex_map=self.parameters_regex_map , scalarName=True , scalarId=self.scalarId , moduleName=self.moduleName , runId=self.runId ) attributes = DataAttributes(source_file=db_file, alias=self.alias, common_root=data_set.get_common_root()) result_list.append((res, attributes)) return result_list
[docs] def register_constructors(): r""" Register YAML constructors for all extractors """ yaml.add_constructor('!RawExtractor', proto_constructor(RawExtractor)) yaml.add_constructor('!RawScalarExtractor', proto_constructor(RawScalarExtractor)) yaml.add_constructor('!RawStatisticExtractor', proto_constructor(RawStatisticExtractor)) yaml.add_constructor('!PositionExtractor', proto_constructor(PositionExtractor)) yaml.add_constructor('!MatchingExtractor', proto_constructor(MatchingExtractor)) yaml.add_constructor('!PatternMatchingBulkExtractor', proto_constructor(PatternMatchingBulkExtractor)) yaml.add_constructor('!PatternMatchingBulkScalarExtractor', proto_constructor(PatternMatchingBulkScalarExtractor)) yaml.add_constructor('!SqlExtractor', proto_constructor(SqlExtractor))