from typing import Union, List, Callable, Optional
import functools
import operator
import re
import pprint
# ---
from common.logging_facilities import logi, loge, logd
# ---
import yaml
from yaml import YAMLObject
# ---
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sb
import matplotlib as mpl
# ---
import dask
import dask.distributed
# ---
from yaml_helper import proto_constructor
from data_io import DataSet, read_from_file
from extractors import BaseExtractor, DataAttributes
from utility.code import ExtraCodeFunctionMixin
from utility.filesystem import check_file_access_permissions
# Import for availability in user-supplied code.
from common.debug import start_ipython_dbg_cmdline, start_debug # noqa: F401
# ---
class PlottingReaderFeather(YAMLObject):
Import the data, saved as [feather/arrow](, from the input files
input_files: List[str]
the list of paths to the input files, as literal path or as a regular expression
numerical_columns: List[str]
the columns of the input `pandas.DataFrame` which have numerical data,
all other will be converted to categories to save on memory and improve
sample: float
if None, no sampling is done (default). If not None, it is the rate at which the input data is sampled
sample_seed: int
the seed to use for the sampling RNG
yaml_tag = '!PlottingReaderFeather'
def __init__(self, input_files:str
, categorical_columns:set[str] = set()
, numerical_columns:Union[dict[str, str], set[str]] = set()
, sample:float = None, sample_seed:int = 23
, filter_query:str = None):
self.input_files = input_files
self.sample = sample
self.sample_seed = sample_seed
self.filter_query = filter_query
# categorical_columns and numerical_columns (if appropriate) are explicitly converted
# to a set to alleviate the need for an explicit tag in the YAML recipe, since pyyaml
# always interprets values in curly braces as dictionaries
self.categorical_columns:set[str] = set(categorical_columns)
if not isinstance(numerical_columns, dict):
self.numerical_columns:set[str] = set(numerical_columns)
self.numerical_columns:dict[str, str] = numerical_columns
def prepare(self):
data_set = DataSet(self.input_files)
data_list = list(map(dask.delayed(functools.partial(read_from_file, sample=self.sample, sample_seed=self.sample_seed, filter_query=self.filter_query))
, data_set.get_file_list()))
concat_result = dask.delayed(pd.concat)(data_list)
convert_columns_result = dask.delayed(BaseExtractor.convert_columns_dtype)(concat_result
, categorical_columns=self.categorical_columns
, numerical_columns=self.numerical_columns
logd(f'PlottingReaderFeather::prepare: {data_list=}')
logd(f'PlottingReaderFeather::prepare: {convert_columns_result=}')
# d = dask.compute(convert_columns_result)
# logd(f'{d=}')
return [(convert_columns_result, DataAttributes())]
class PlottingTask(YAMLObject, ExtraCodeFunctionMixin):
Generate a plot from the given data.
See [seaborn.lineplot]( for examples of using `hue` and `style`.
See [seaborn.catplot]( for examples of using `row` and `column`, .
See [seaborn.relplot]( for examples of using both `hue`, `style`, `row` and `column` concurrently.
dataset_name: str
the dataset to operate on
output_file: str
the file path the generated plot is saved to, with the suffix choosing
the output format
plot_type: str
the kind of plot to generate, either one of:
`box`, 'lineplot', 'scatterplot', 'boxen', 'stripplot', 'swarm', 'bar', 'count', 'point', 'heat'
x: str
the name of the column with the data to plot on the x-axis
y: str
the name of the column with the data to plot on the y-axis
keyword args that are passed to the plot function. Availabler args depend on the plot_type
selector: Optional[Union[Callable, str]]
a query string for selecting a subset of the input DataFrame for
plotting, see
column: Optional[str]
the column of the input `DataFrame` to use for partitioning the data and
plotting each partition into a separate plot, aligning them all vertically into a column
row: Optional[str]
the column of the input `DataFrame` to use for partitioning the data and
plotting each partition into a separate plot, aligning them all horizontally into a column
hue: Optional[str]
the column of the input `DataFrame` to use for partitioning the data and
plotting each partition into the same plot, with a different color
size: Optional[str]
the column of the input `DataFrame` to use for partitioning the data and
plotting each partition into the same plot, with a different width
style: Optional[str]
the column of the input `DataFrame` to use for partitioning the data and
plotting each partition into the same plot, with a different line style and marker
matplotlib_backend: str
the matplotlib drawing [backend]( to use
context: str
set the theme [context]( for seaborn
axes_style: str
set the seaborn [axes style](
legend: bool
whether to add a legend to the plot
alpha: float
the alpha value used in lineplots for lines and markers
xlabel: str
the label to assign to the x-axis
ylabel: str
the label to assign to the y-axis
bin_size: float
the size of the position bin used in heatmaps
title_template: str
the template string to use to label one plot in a grid, for syntax see
bbox_inches: Union[str, Tuple[float]]
the bounding box of the figure, as a tuple (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax), or `tight`
legend_location: str
the location to place the legend
legend_bbox: str
the bounding box the location is placed in
legend_labels: Optional[List[str]]
the list of labels to assign in the legend
legend_title: Optional[str]
the title of the legend
matplotlib_rc: Optional[str]
the path to load a matplotlib.rc from
yrange: Optional[str]
the value range to use on the y-axis
invert_yaxis: bool
whether to invert the direction of the y-axis
plot_size: Optional[str]
the size of the plot, as a tuple of inches
xticklabels: Optional[str]
the list of labels to assign to the categories on the x-axis
colormap: Optional[str]
the colormap to use for heatmaps
grid_transform: Optional[Union[Callable[[pd.FacetGrid], pd.FacetGrid], str]
The function to call as the last step before saving the plot.
This takes the produced FacetGrid as input and returns the modified FacetGrid.
The purpose is to allow for arbitrary modification not yet provided by the framework.
yaml_tag = '!PlottingTask'
def __init__(self, dataset_name:str
, output_file:str
, plot_type:Optional[str] = None
, x:Optional[str] = None
, y:Optional[str] = None
, z:Optional[str] = None
, plot_types:Optional[List[str]] = None
, ys:Optional[List[str]] = None
, selector:Optional[Union[Callable, str]] = None
, plot_kwargs:Optional[dict] = None
, column:str = None
, row:str = None
, hue:str = None
, style:str = None
, size:str = None
, hue_order:list = None
, col_order:list = None
, row_order:list = None
, matplotlib_backend:str = 'agg'
, context:str = 'paper'
, axes_style:str = 'dark'
, legend:bool = True
, alpha:float = 1.
, xlabel:Optional[str] = None
, ylabel:Optional[str] = None
, bin_size:float = 10.
, title_template:Optional[str] = None
, bbox_inches:str = 'tight'
, legend_location:str = 'upper left'
, legend_bbox:Optional[str] = None
, legend_labels:Optional[str] = None
, legend_title:Optional[str] = None
, matplotlib_rc:Optional[str] = None
, xrange:Optional[str] = None
, yrange:Optional[str] = None
, invert_yaxis:bool = False
, plot_size:Optional[str] = None
, xticklabels:Optional[str] = None
, xticks:List[float] = None
, xticks_minor:List[float] = None
, yticks:List[float] = None
, yticks_minor:List[float] = None
, colormap:Optional[str] = None
, grid_transform:Optional[Union[Callable[[sb.FacetGrid], sb.FacetGrid], str]] = None
self.dataset_name = dataset_name
self.output_file = output_file
if plot_types:
self.plot_type = plot_types[0]
self.plot_types = plot_types[1:]
elif plot_type:
self.plot_type = plot_type
self.plot_types = plot_types
raise Exception('Either the "plot_type" or "plot_types" parameter need to be given')
self.x = x
if ys:
self.y = ys[0]
self.ys = ys[1:]
elif y:
self.y = y
self.ys = ys
# check if the plot type only needs the x-axis specified
for plot_type in [ 'ecdf', 'histogram' ]:
if (self.plot_type == plot_type):
elif (self.plot_types and (plot_type in self.plot_types)):
# TODO: should check if all plot types don't need the y-axis
raise Exception('Either the "y" or "ys" parameter need to be given')
self.y = None
self.ys = None
self.z = z
if plot_kwargs:
# parse plot kwargs
if isinstance(plot_kwargs, dict):
self.plot_kwargs = plot_kwargs
loge(f"plot_kwargs set but is not a dict: {plot_kwargs=}")
self.plot_kwargs = dict()
self.selector = selector
self.column = column if column != '' else None
self.row = row if row != '' else None
self.hue = hue if hue != '' else None = style if style != '' else None
self.size = size if size != '' else None
self.hue_order = hue_order if hue_order != '' else None
self.col_order = col_order if col_order != '' else None
self.row_order = row_order if row_order != '' else None
self.xticks = xticks
self.xticks_minor = xticks_minor
self.yticks = yticks
self.yticks_minor = yticks_minor
self.set_legend_defaults(legend = legend
, legend_location = legend_location
, legend_bbox = legend_bbox
, legend_labels = legend_labels
, legend_title = legend_title
self.set_label_defaults(xlabel = xlabel
, ylabel = ylabel
, title_template = title_template
, xticklabels = xticklabels
self.set_misc_defaults(alpha = alpha
, bin_size = bin_size
, bbox_inches = bbox_inches
, matplotlib_rc = matplotlib_rc
, xrange = xrange
, yrange = yrange
, invert_yaxis = invert_yaxis
, plot_size = plot_size
, colormap = colormap
self.grid_transform = grid_transform
self.set_theme(context, axes_style)
logd(f'<-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <->')
logd(f'-=-=-=-=-= {self.__dict__=}')
logd(f'<-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <-> <->')
def set_label_defaults(self
, xlabel:Optional[str] = None
, ylabel:Optional[str] = None
, title_template:Optional[str] = None
, xticklabels:Optional[List[str]] = None
if not xlabel:
self.xlabel = self.x
self.xlabel = xlabel
if not ylabel:
self.ylabel = self.y
self.ylabel = ylabel
self.title_template = title_template
if isinstance(xticklabels, str):
self.xticklabels = eval(xticklabels)
self.xticklabels = xticklabels
def set_legend_defaults(self
, legend:bool = True
, legend_location:str = 'upper left'
, legend_bbox:Optional[str] = None
, legend_labels:Optional[str] = None
, legend_title:Optional[str] = None
self.legend = legend
self.legend_location = legend_location
if isinstance(legend_bbox, str):
self.legend_bbox = eval(self.legend_bbox)
self.legend_bbox = legend_bbox
if isinstance(legend_labels, str):
self.legend_labels = eval(legend_labels)
self.legend_labels = legend_labels
self.legend_title = legend_title
def parse_matplotlib_rc(self, matplotlib_rc:str):
# parse the custom matplotlib_rc into an dictionary
rc_dict = {}
for line in matplotlib_rc.split('\n'):
if len(line) == 0:
if line[0] == '#':
if ':' in line:
key, value = [ t.strip() for t in line.split(':') ]
# cast value to an appropriate type
if value.isnumeric():
# value is an integer
value = int(value)
elif value.replace('.', '').isnumeric():
# value is a float
value = float(value)
elif value == 'true':
value = True
elif value == 'false':
value = False
elif value[0] == '(' and value[-1] == ')':
# value is a tuple
value = eval(value)
rc_dict[key] = value
return rc_dict
def set_misc_defaults(self
, alpha:float = 1.
, bin_size:float = 10.
, bbox_inches:str = 'tight'
, matplotlib_rc:Optional[Union[str, dict]] = None
, xrange:Optional[str] = None
, yrange:Optional[str] = None
, invert_yaxis:bool = False
, plot_size:Optional[str] = None
, colormap:Optional[str] = None
if isinstance(alpha, str):
self.alpha = eval(alpha)
self.alpha = alpha
self.bin_size = bin_size
self.bbox_inches = bbox_inches
if matplotlib_rc:
# parse the custom matplotlib_rc into an dictionary or None
if isinstance(matplotlib_rc, dict):
# inline definition
self.matplotlib_rc_dict = matplotlib_rc
# external file using `!include`
self.matplotlib_rc_dict = self.parse_matplotlib_rc(matplotlib_rc)
self.matplotlib_rc = matplotlib_rc
self.matplotlib_rc = None
self.matplotlib_rc_dict = None
if isinstance(xrange, str):
self.xrange = eval(xrange)
self.xrange = xrange
if isinstance(yrange, str):
self.yrange = eval(yrange)
self.yrange = yrange
self.invert_yaxis = invert_yaxis
if isinstance(plot_size, str):
self.plot_size = eval(plot_size)
self.plot_size = plot_size
if not colormap:
self.colormap = sb.color_palette('prism', as_cmap=True)
self.colormap = colormap
def set_data_repo(self, data_repo:dict):
self.data_repo = data_repo
def get_data(self, dataset_name:str):
if dataset_name not in self.data_repo:
raise Exception(f'"{dataset_name}" not found in data repo')
data = self.data_repo[dataset_name]
if data is None:
raise Exception(f'data for "{dataset_name}" is None')
return data
def prepare(self):
data = self.get_data(self.dataset_name)
# concatenate all DataFrames first
concatenated_data = dask.delayed(pd.concat)(tuple(map(operator.itemgetter(0), data)))
job = dask.delayed(self.plot_data)(concatenated_data)
return job
def set_backend(self, backend:str = 'agg'):
self.matplotlib_backend = backend
logi(f'set_backend: using backend "{self.matplotlib_backend}"')
def set_theme(self, context:str = 'paper', axes_style:str = 'dark'):
self.context = context
self.axes_style = axes_style
if self.matplotlib_rc_dict:
sb.set_theme(context=self.context, style=self.axes_style, rc=self.matplotlib_rc_dict)
sb.set_theme(context=self.context, style=self.axes_style)
def plot_data(self, data):
logd(f'-0---000---<<<<>>>>> {self.__dict__=}')
logd(f'-0---000---<<<<>>>>> {mpl.rcParams["backend"]=}')
self.set_theme(self.context, self.axes_style)
if isinstance(self.grid_transform, str):
# The compilation of the extra code has to happen in the thread/process
# of the processing worker since code objects can't be serialized.
grid_transform = self.eval_grid_transform()
elif isinstance(self.grid_transform, Callable):
grid_transform = self.grid_transform
grid_transform = None
# logd(f'<<<<>>>>>-------------')
# logd(f'<<<<>>>>> {data=}')
# data = data.reset_index()
# logd(f'<<<<>>>>> {data=}')
# logd(f'<<<<>>>>>-------------')
if self.selector:
selected_data = data.query(self.selector).reset_index()
# logi(f'after selector: {data=}')
selected_data = data.reset_index()
def distributionplot(plot_type):
return self.plot_distribution(df=selected_data
, plot_type=plot_type
, x=self.x, y=self.y
, hue=self.hue
, row=self.row, column=self.column
, **self.plot_kwargs
def catplot(plot_type):
return self.plot_catplot(df=selected_data
, plot_type=plot_type
, x=self.x, y=self.y
, hue=self.hue
, row=self.row, column=self.column
, **self.plot_kwargs
def relplot(plot_type):
return self.plot_relplot(df=selected_data
, plot_type=plot_type
, x=self.x, y=self.y
, hue=self.hue
, row=self.row, column=self.column
,, size=self.size
, **self.plot_kwargs
def heatplot(plot_type):
return self.plot_heatplot(df=selected_data
, plot_type=plot_type
, x=self.x, y=self.y, z=self.z
, hue=self.hue
, row=self.row, column=self.column
, **self.plot_kwargs
fig = None
match self.plot_type:
case 'lineplot':
fig = relplot('line')
case 'ecdf':
fig = distributionplot('ecdf')
case 'histogram':
fig = distributionplot('hist')
case 'scatterplot':
fig = relplot('scatter')
case 'box':
fig = catplot('box')
case 'boxen':
fig = catplot('boxen')
case 'stripplot':
fig = catplot('strip')
case 'swarm':
fig = catplot('swarm')
case 'bar':
fig = catplot('bar')
case 'count':
fig = catplot('count')
case 'point':
fig = catplot('point')
case 'violin':
fig = catplot('violin')
case 'heat':
fig = heatplot('heat')
case _:
raise Exception(f'Unknown plot type: "{self.plot_type}"')
if self.ys:
self.plot_multiplot(fig, selected_data)
if hasattr(fig, 'tight_layout'):
if self.legend is None and fig.legend is not None:
if isinstance(fig.legend, Callable):
if grid_transform:
fig = grid_transform(fig)
if hasattr(fig, 'savefig'):
fig.savefig(self.output_file, bbox_inches=self.bbox_inches)
logi(f'{fig=} saved to {self.output_file}')
logi(f'{fig=} saved to {self.output_file}')
return fig
def plot_multiplot(self, figure, selected_data):
legend_handles = []
def multiplot(x, y, data, **kwargs):
if data.empty:
logd(f'next plotting pass for: {x=} {y=} {kwargs=}')
ax = mpl.pyplot.gca()
for v, pt in zip(self.ys, self.plot_types):
logi(f'trying to plot "{v}" as {pt}')
match pt:
case 'lineplot':
for k, d in data.dropna(subset=[v]).groupby(by=[self.hue]):
if d.empty:
r = mpl.pyplot.plot(d[x], d[v])[0]
key_string = str(k).strip("(),'")
case 'scatterplot':
for k, d in data.dropna(subset=[v]).groupby(by=[self.hue]):
if d.empty:
r = mpl.pyplot.scatter(d[x], d[v], alpha=self.alpha, s=8)
key_string = str(k).strip("(),'")
case _:
raise Exception(f'Unknown plot type: "{pt}"')
if isinstance(figure, sb.axisgrid.FacetGrid):
g = figure
raise Exception('multipass drawing is only implemented for grids')
with sb.color_palette('Pastel1'):
g.map_dataframe(multiplot, self.x, self.y)
handles = g.legend.legend_handles + legend_handles
g.figure.legend(handles=handles, loc='center right')
# start_ipython_dbg_cmdline(locals())
return g
def set_grid_defaults(self, grid):
if self.plot_size:
# ax.fig.gca().set_ylim(ylimit)
for axis in grid.figure.axes:
if self.xticks:
axis.set_xticks(ticks=self.xticks, minor=False)
if self.yticks:
axis.set_yticks(ticks=self.yticks, minor=False)
if self.xticks_minor:
axis.set_xticks(ticks=self.xticks_minor, minor=True)
if self.yticks_minor:
axis.set_yticks(ticks=self.yticks_minor, minor=True)
if self.invert_yaxis:
if self.xrange:
if self.yrange:
if self.xticklabels:
# strings of length of zero evaluate to false, so test explicitly for None
if self.title_template is not None:
# logi(type(ax))
# ax.fig.get_axes()[0].legend(loc='lower left', bbox_to_anchor=(0, 1, 1, 1))
if grid.legend and (isinstance(grid.legend, mpl.legend.Legend) or grid.legend() is not None):
if self.legend_title:
if self.legend_bbox:
sb.move_legend(grid, loc=self.legend_location, title=self.legend_title, bbox_to_anchor=self.legend_bbox)
sb.move_legend(grid, loc=self.legend_location, title=self.legend_title)
if self.legend_bbox:
sb.move_legend(grid, loc=self.legend_location, bbox_to_anchor=self.legend_bbox)
sb.move_legend(grid, loc=self.legend_location)
if self.legend_labels:
for t, l in zip(grid._legend.texts, self.legend_labels):
return grid
def parse_matplotlib_rc_to_kwargs(self, **kwargs):
def add_props(propname, full_key, value):
key = full_key.rsplit('.', maxsplit=1)[1]
if propname in kwargs:
kwargs[propname][key] = value
kwargs[propname] = {}
kwargs[propname][key] = value
bpr = re.compile(r'.*.boxprops.*')
mpr = re.compile(r'.*.medianprops.*')
fpr = re.compile(r'.*.flierprops.*')
wpr = re.compile(r'.*.whiskerprops.*')
cpr = re.compile(r'.*.capprops.*')
# check every line of the matplotlib.rc for directives that need to be
# given as parameters to sb.{cat,rel}plot and add them to the keyword
# parameter dictionary
if self.matplotlib_rc_dict:
for k in self.matplotlib_rc_dict:
v = self.matplotlib_rc_dict[k]
add_props('boxprops', k, v)
add_props('medianprops', k, v)
add_props('flierprops', k, v)
add_props('whiskerprops', k, v)
add_props('capprops', k, v)
# No match, ignore
# This might still be overridden by a passed parameter in the
# seaborn internals, check the seaborn source if a line doesn't
# seem to produce any effect.
logd(f'not adding "{k}:{v}" to (box,median,flier,whisker,cap)props parameters')
return kwargs
def set_plot_specific_options(self, plot_type:str, **kwargs:dict):
# defaults, can be overridden by the matplotlib.rc
boxprops = {'edgecolor': 'black'}
medianprops = {'color':'red'}
flierprops = dict(color='red', marker='+', markersize=3, markeredgecolor='red', linewidth=0.1, alpha=0.1)
match plot_type:
case 'line':
kwargs['errorbar'] = 'sd'
case 'box':
kwargs['boxprops'] = boxprops
kwargs['medianprops'] = medianprops
kwargs['flierprops'] = flierprops
# parse the matplotlib.rc into keywords for seaborn
kwargs = self.parse_matplotlib_rc_to_kwargs(**kwargs)
return kwargs
def plot_distribution(self, df, x='value', y=None, hue='moduleName', row='dcc', column='traciStart', plot_type='ecdf', **kwargs):
kwargs = self.set_plot_specific_options(plot_type, **kwargs)
logd(f'PlottingTask::plot_distribution: {df.columns=}')
logd(f'PlottingTask::plot_distribution: {x=}')
logd(f'PlottingTask::plot_distribution: {y=}')
logd(f'PlottingTask::plot_distribution: {plot_type=}')
logd(f'PlottingTask::plot_distribution: {kwargs=}')
grid = sb.displot(data=df, x=x
, row=row, col=column
, hue=hue
, kind=plot_type
# , legend_out=False
, **kwargs
grid = self.set_grid_defaults(grid)
return grid
def plot_catplot(self, df, x='v2x_rate', y='cbr', hue='moduleName', row='dcc', column='traciStart', plot_type='box', **kwargs):
kwargs = self.set_plot_specific_options(plot_type, **kwargs)
logd(f'PlottingTask::plot_catplot: {df.columns=}')
if plot_type != 'count':
grid = sb.catplot(data=df, x=x, y=y, row=row, col=column
, hue=hue
, kind=plot_type
# , legend_out=False
, **kwargs
grid = sb.catplot(data=df, x=x, row=row, col=column
, hue=hue
, kind=plot_type
# , legend_out=False
, **kwargs
grid = self.set_grid_defaults(grid)
return grid
def plot_relplot(self, df, x='v2x_rate', y='cbr', hue='moduleName', style='prefix', size=None, row='dcc', column='traciStart', plot_type='line', **kwargs):
kwargs = self.set_plot_specific_options(plot_type, **kwargs)
logd(f'PlottingTask::plot_relplot: {df.columns=}')
grid = sb.relplot(data=df, x=x, y=y, row=row, col=column
, hue=hue
, kind=plot_type
, style=style
, size=size
, alpha=self.alpha
# , legend_out=False
, **kwargs
grid = self.set_grid_defaults(grid)
return grid
def plot_heatplot(self, df, x='posX', y='posX', z='cbr', hue='moduleName', style='prefix', row=None, column=None, **kwargs):
setattr(self, 'xlabel', None)
setattr(self, 'ylabel', None)
def bin_position_f(df, column):
bin_position = lambda x: int(x / self.bin_size) * self.bin_size
df[column] = df[column].transform(bin_position)
# bin the position data
bin_position_f(df, x)
bin_position_f(df, y)
logi(f'PlottingTask::plot_data: {df=}')
logd(f'PlottingTask::plot_relplot: {df.columns=}')
if column is not None:
return self.plot_heatmap_grid(df, x, y, z, column)
return self.plot_heatmap_nogrid(df, x, y, z)
def plot_heatmap_grid(self, df, x, y, z, column):
grid = sb.FacetGrid(df, col=column)
def heatmap(*args, **kwargs):
df = kwargs.pop('data')
df.loc[y] = df[y].transform(lambda x: -x)
df_mean = df[[column, x, y, z]].groupby(by=[column, x, y]).aggregate(pd.Series.mean).reset_index()
# TODO: configurable fill value
df_pivot = df_mean.pivot(index=y, columns=x, values=z).fillna(0.)
if self.yrange:
kwargs['vmin'] = self.yrange[0]
kwargs['vmax'] = self.yrange[1]
ax = mpl.pyplot.gca()
mesh = ax.pcolormesh(df_pivot
# , cbar=True
, cmap=sb.color_palette("blend:white,red", as_cmap=True)
# , cmap=self.colormap
# , norm='linear'
, **kwargs
ax.figure.colorbar(mesh, ax=ax)
# ax.set_xlabel('')
# ax.set_ylabel('')
return ax
# ax = sb.heatmap(df_pivot
# , cbar=True
# , cmap=sb.color_palette(self.colormap, as_cmap=True)
# # , robust=True
# , square=True
# , norm='linear'
# # , annot=True
# # , hue='cbr'
# , alpha=self.alpha
# , size=9
# , **kwargs
# )
# logd(f'{ax.__dict__=}')
# ax.set_xticks([])
# ax.set_yticks([])
# ax.set_xlabel('')
# ax.set_ylabel('')
# logd(f'{type(ax)=}')
# logd(f'{type(ax.figure)=}')
# return ax
grid.map_dataframe(heatmap, z)
# grid.set_size((6,6))
return grid
def plot_heatmap_nogrid(self, df, x, y, z):
# tranform positions on the y-axis
# df.loc[y] = df[y].transform(lambda x: -x)
df_mean = df[[x, y, z]].groupby(by=[x, y]).aggregate(pd.Series.mean).reset_index()
df_pivot = df_mean.pivot(index=y, columns=x, values=z).fillna(0.)
kwargs = {}
if self.yrange:
kwargs['vmin'] = self.yrange[0]
kwargs['vmax'] = self.yrange[1]
# fig, ax = mpl.pyplot.subplots()
# mesh = ax.pcolormesh(df_pivot
# # , cbar=True
# # , cmap=sb.color_palette("blend:white,red", as_cmap=True)
# , cmap=sb.color_palette(self.colormap, as_cmap=True)
# # , cmap=self.colormap
# , norm='linear'
# , **kwargs
# )
# fig.colorbar(mesh, ax=ax)
# ax.set_xticks([])
# ax.set_yticks([])
# return fig
grid = sb.heatmap(data=df_pivot
, cbar=True
, cmap=sb.color_palette(self.colormap, as_cmap=True)
# , robust=True
, square=True
, norm='linear'
# , annot=True
# , hue='cbr'
, alpha=self.alpha
, **kwargs
grid = self.set_grid_defaults(grid)
return grid
def register_constructors():
yaml.add_constructor('!PlottingReaderFeather', proto_constructor(PlottingReaderFeather))
yaml.add_constructor('!PlottingTask', proto_constructor(PlottingTask))