Source code for transforms
import operator
import itertools
from typing import Union, List, Callable, Optional
from collections import defaultdict
import yaml
from yaml import YAMLObject
import pandas as pd
import dask
from yaml_helper import proto_constructor
import logging
from common.logging_facilities import loge, logd, logw, get_logging_level
from extractors import DataAttributes
# Import for availability in user-supplied code.
from common.debug import start_ipython_dbg_cmdline, start_debug # noqa: F401
from utility.code import ExtraCodeFunctionMixin
class Transform(YAMLObject):
The base class for all transforms
yaml_tag = '!Transform'
def set_data_repo(self, data_repo:dict):
data_repo : dict
The dictionary containing all loaded datasets necessary for this transform
self.data_repo = data_repo
def get_data(self, dataset_name:str):
Retrieve a dataset with the given name from the data repository associated with this transform
dataset_name : str
The name of the dataset to retrieve from the data repository
if dataset_name not in self.data_repo:
raise Exception(f'"{dataset_name}" not found in data repo')
data = self.data_repo[dataset_name]
if data is None:
raise Exception(f'data for "{dataset_name}" is None')
return data
def prepare(self):
# The code below is just to illustrate the general procedure when
# implementing a transform, it is not used
# get the list of DataFrames in the dataset
data_list = self.get_data(self.dataset_name)
job_list = []
for data in data_list:
# construct a promise on the data produced by applying the function
# to the input data
function = lambda x: x
job = dask.delayed(self.process)(data, function)
# set the output dataset to the list of promises so that other tasks can
# depend on and use them
self.data_repo[self.output_dataset_name] = job_list
return job_list
class ConcatTransform(Transform, YAMLObject):
A transform for concatenating all DataFrames from the given datasets.
dataset_names: Optional[List[str]]
the list of datasets to concatenate
output_dataset_name: str
the name given to the output dataset
yaml_tag = '!ConcatTransform'
def __init__(self, dataset_names:Optional[List[str]]
, output_dataset_name:str):
self.dataset_names = dataset_names
self.output_dataset_name = output_dataset_name
def concat(self, dfs:List[pd.DataFrame]):
result = pd.concat(dfs)
if (get_logging_level() == logging.DEBUG):
logd(f'ConcatTransform "{}" result:\n{result}')
return result
def prepare(self):
data_list = []
for name in self.dataset_names:
# concatenate all DataFrames
job = dask.delayed(self.concat)(tuple(map(operator.itemgetter(0), data_list)))
attributes = DataAttributes()
common_roots = []
for attribute in list(map(operator.itemgetter(1), data_list)):
if not all(list(map(lambda x: x[0]==x[1], itertools.pairwise(common_roots)))):
logw(f'''Warning: The datasets to be merged don't share a common root path, using the path from the first dataset.
using: {common_roots[0]}
attributes.common_root = common_roots[0]
# add all source files as attributes
for attribute in list(map(operator.itemgetter(1), data_list)):
# allow other tasks to depend on the output of the delayed jobs
self.data_repo[self.output_dataset_name] = [(job, attributes)]
return [(job, attributes)]
class MergeTransform(Transform, YAMLObject):
A transform for merging the columns from two DataFrames, from two distinct
datasets, similarly to a SQL INNER JOIN.
Basically a wrapper around `pandas.merge <>`_
dataset_name_left: str
the left dataset to operate on
dataset_name_right: str
the right dataset to operate on
output_dataset_name: str
the name given to the output dataset
right_key_columns: str
the name of the column from the right dataset taht is used as key for joining
left_key_columns: str
the name of the column from the left dataset taht is used as key for joining
match_by_filename: bool
whether to match merge input by the filename the data has been extracted from
matching_attribute: str
the attribute to match the datasets on
yaml_tag = '!MergeTransform'
def __init__(self, dataset_name_left:str
, dataset_name_right:str
, output_dataset_name:str
, left_key_columns:Optional[List[str]] = None
, right_key_columns:Optional[List[str]] = None
, match_by_filename:bool = True
, matching_attribute:str = 'source_files'
self.dataset_name_left = dataset_name_left
self.dataset_name_right = dataset_name_right
self.output_dataset_name = output_dataset_name
self.left_key_columns = left_key_columns
self.right_key_columns = right_key_columns
self.match_by_filename = match_by_filename
self.matching_attribute = matching_attribute
def merge(self, data_l:pd.DataFrame, data_r:pd.DataFrame
, left_key_columns:Optional[List[str]] = None
, right_key_columns:Optional[List[str]] = None):
def is_empty(df):
if df is not None:
if df.empty:
return True
return False
return True
if is_empty(data_l):
logd(f'left input to merge is empty: {data_l=}')
return None
if is_empty(data_l):
logd(f'right input to merge is empty: {data_r=}')
return None
df_merged = data_l.merge(data_r, left_on=left_key_columns, right_on=right_key_columns, suffixes=['', '_r'])
if (get_logging_level() == logging.DEBUG):
logd(f'MergeTransform "{}" result:\n{df_merged}')
return df_merged
def prepare_matched_by_attribute(self):
data_list_l = self.get_data(self.dataset_name_left)
data_list_r = self.get_data(self.dataset_name_right)
job_list = []
d = defaultdict(list)
def add_by_attribute(data_list):
for data, attributes in data_list:
attribute = getattr(attributes, self.matching_attribute)
if isinstance(attribute, set):
attribute = '_'.join(list(attribute))
d[attribute].append((data, attributes))
for attribute in d:
(data_l, attributes_l), (data_r, attributes_r) = d[attribute]
job = dask.delayed(self.merge)(data_l, data_r, self.left_key_columns, self.right_key_columns)
# add the source files of both datasets to the set of dataset source files
attributes = DataAttributes()
# add source files for both sources
if attributes_l.common_root == attributes_r.common_root:
logw(f'''Warning: The datasets to be merged don't share a common root path, using the path from the first dataset.
using: {attributes_l.common_root=}
attributes.common_root = attributes_l.common_root
for alias in attributes_l.get_aliases():
for alias in attributes_r.get_aliases():
job_list.append((job, attributes))
# start_ipython_dbg_cmdline(locals())
# allow other tasks to depend on the output of the delayed jobs
self.data_repo[self.output_dataset_name] = job_list
return job_list
def prepare_simple_sequential(self):
data_list_l = self.get_data(self.dataset_name_left)
data_list_r = self.get_data(self.dataset_name_right)
job_list = []
for (data_l, attributes_l), (data_r, attributes_r) in zip(data_list_l, data_list_r):
job = dask.delayed(self.merge)(data_l, data_r, self.left_key_columns, self.right_key_columns)
attributes = DataAttributes()
if attributes_l.common_root == attributes_r.common_root:
logw(f'''Warning: The datasets to be merged don't share a common root path, using the path from the first dataset.
using: {attributes_l.common_root=}
attributes.common_root = attributes_l.common_root
job_list.append((job, attributes))
# start_ipython_dbg_cmdline(locals())
# allow other tasks to depend on the output of the delayed jobs
self.data_repo[self.output_dataset_name] = job_list
return job_list
def prepare(self):
if self.match_by_filename:
return self.prepare_matched_by_attribute()
return self.prepare_simple_sequential()
class FunctionTransform(Transform, ExtraCodeFunctionMixin, YAMLObject):
A transform for applying a arbitrary function to a whole DataFrame.
dataset_name: str
The dataset to operate on.
output_dataset_name: str
The name given to the output dataset.
function: Union[Callable[[pandas.DataFrame], pandas.DataFrame], str]
The unary function to apply to each DataFrame of the dataset.
It takes the full DataFrame as its only argument and returns a DataFrame.
extra_code: Optional[str]
This can contain additional code for the transform function, such as
the definition of a function over multiple lines or split into multiple
functions for readibility.
yaml_tag = '!FunctionTransform'
def __init__(self, dataset_name:str, output_dataset_name:str
, function:Union[Callable[[pd.DataFrame], pd.DataFrame], str]=None
, extra_code:Optional[str]=None
self.dataset_name = dataset_name
self.output_dataset_name = output_dataset_name
if not function:
msg = 'No processing function has been defined for FunctionTransform!'
self.function = function
self.extra_code = extra_code
def process(self, data, attributes) -> pd.DataFrame:
if data is None or (data is not None and data.empty):
return pd.DataFrame()
# Get the function to call and possibly compile and evaluate the code defined in
# extra_code in a separate global namespace.
# The compilation of the extra code has to happen in the thread/process
# of the processing worker since code objects can't be serialized.
function, _ = self.evaluate_function(self.function, self.extra_code)
result = function(data)
if (get_logging_level() == logging.DEBUG):
logd(f'FunctionTransform "{}" result:\n{result}')
return result
def prepare(self):
data_list = self.get_data(self.dataset_name)
job_list = []
for data, attributes in data_list:
job = dask.delayed(self.process)(data, attributes)
job_list.append((job, attributes))
# allow other tasks to depend on the output of the delayed jobs
self.data_repo[self.output_dataset_name] = job_list
return job_list
class ColumnFunctionTransform(Transform, ExtraCodeFunctionMixin, YAMLObject):
A transform for applying a function to every value in a column of a DataFrame
dataset_name: str
the dataset to operate on
output_dataset_name: str
the name given to the output dataset
input_column: str
the name of the column the function should be applied to
output_column: str
the name given to the output column containing the results of applying
the function
function: Union[Callable[[pandas.Series], pandas.Series], str]
The unary function to apply to the values in the chosen column.
extra_code: Optional[str]
This can contain additional code for the transform function, such as
the definition of a function over multiple lines or split into multiple
functions for readibility.
yaml_tag = '!ColumnFunctionTransform'
def __init__(self, dataset_name:str, output_dataset_name:str
, input_column:str, output_column:str
, function:Union[Callable[[pd.Series], pd.Series], str]=None
, extra_code:Optional[str]=None
self.dataset_name = dataset_name
self.output_dataset_name = output_dataset_name
self.input_column = input_column
self.output_column = output_column
if not function:
msg = f'No processing function has been defined for ColumnFunctionTransform!'
self.function = function
self.extra_code = extra_code
def process(self, data, attributes):
# Get the function to call and possibly compile and evaluate the code defined in
# extra_code in a separate global namespace.
# The compilation of the extra code has to happen in the thread/process
# of the processing worker since code objects can't be serialized.
if data is None or data.empty:
logw(f'ColumnFunctionTransform return is empty!')
return pd.DataFrame()
function, _ = self.evaluate_function(self.function, None)
data[self.output_column] = data[self.input_column].apply(function)
if (get_logging_level() == logging.DEBUG):
logd(f'ColumnFunctionTransform "{}" result:\n{data}')
return data
def prepare(self):
data_list = self.get_data(self.dataset_name)
job_list = []
for data, attributes in data_list:
job = dask.delayed(self.process)(data, attributes)
job_list.append((job, attributes))
# allow other tasks to depend on the output of the delayed jobs
self.data_repo[self.output_dataset_name] = job_list
return job_list
class GroupedAggregationTransform(Transform, ExtraCodeFunctionMixin, YAMLObject):
A transform for dividing a dataset into distinct partitions with
each sharing the same value in the specified list of grouping/partitioning
column names, and then applying a function to the values in a given column
of a that partition, producing a aggregate scalar value.
dataset_name: str
the dataset to operate on
output_dataset_name: str
the name given to the output dataset
input_column: str
the name of the column the function should be applied to
output_column: str
the name given to the output column containing the results of applying
the function
grouping_columns: List
the set of columns used for partitioning the dataset
raw: bool
whether to append the raw output of `transform_function` to the result list
pre_concatenate: bool
concatenate all input DataFrames before processing
aggregation_function: Union[Callable[[pandas.Series], object], str]
The unary function to apply to a each partition. Should expect an
`pandas.Series` as argument and return a scalar value.
extra_code: Optional[str]
This can contain additional code for the transform function, such as
the definition of a function over multiple lines or split into multiple
functions for readibility.
timestamp_selector: Callable
the function to select the row in the partition data as template for the output in case of aggregation
yaml_tag = '!GroupedAggregationTransform'
def __init__(self, dataset_name:str, output_dataset_name:str
, input_column:str, output_column:str
, grouping_columns:List
, raw:bool=False
, pre_concatenate:bool=False
, aggregation_function:Union[Callable[[pd.Series], object], str]=None
, extra_code:Optional[str]=None
, timestamp_selector:Callable=pd.DataFrame.head):
self.dataset_name = dataset_name
self.output_dataset_name = output_dataset_name
self.input_column = input_column
self.output_column = output_column
self.grouping_columns = grouping_columns
if not aggregation_function:
msg = f'No aggregation_function has been defined for GroupedAggregationTransform!'
self.aggregation_function = aggregation_function
self.extra_code = extra_code
self.timestamp_selector = timestamp_selector
self.raw = raw
self.pre_concatenate = pre_concatenate
def aggregate_frame(self, data):
if (data.empty):
logw(f'GroupedAggregationTransform return is empty!')
return pd.DataFrame()
# Get the function to call and possibly compile and evaluate the code defined in
# extra_code in a separate global namespace.
# The compilation of the extra code has to happen in the thread/process
# of the processing worker since code objects can't be serialized.
aggregation_function, _ = self.evaluate_function(self.aggregation_function, self.extra_code)
if len(self.grouping_columns) == 1:
grouping_columns = self.grouping_columns[0]
grouping_columns = self.grouping_columns
result_list = []
for group_key, group_data in data.groupby(by=grouping_columns, sort=False, observed=True):
result = aggregation_function(group_data[self.input_column])
if self.raw:
result_list.append((group_key, result))
row = group_data.head(n=1)
row = row.drop(labels=[self.input_column], axis=1)
row[self.output_column] = result
if result_list:
if not self.raw:
result = pd.concat(result_list, ignore_index=True)
result = result_list
logw(f'GroupedAggregationTransform result_list was empty!')
return result_list
if (get_logging_level() == logging.DEBUG):
logd(f'GroupedAggregationTransform "{}" result:\n{result}')
return result
def prepare(self):
data = self.get_data(self.dataset_name)
jobs = []
if self.pre_concatenate:
concat_result = dask.delayed(pd.concat)(tuple(map(operator.itemgetter(0), data)), ignore_index=True)
job = dask.delayed(self.aggregate_frame)(concat_result)
# TODO: better DataAttributes
attributes = data[0][1]
jobs.append((job, DataAttributes(source_file=self.input_column, alias=self.output_column, common_root=attributes.common_root)))
for d, attributes in data:
job = dask.delayed(self.aggregate_frame)(d)
jobs.append((job, attributes))
self.data_repo[self.output_dataset_name] = jobs
return jobs
class GroupedFunctionTransform(Transform, ExtraCodeFunctionMixin, YAMLObject):
A transform for dividing a dataset into distinct partitions with
each sharing the same value in the specified list of grouping/partitioning
column names, and then applying a function to that partition.
dataset_name: str
the dataset to operate on
output_dataset_name: str
the name given to the output dataset
input_column: str
the name of the column the function should be applied to
output_column: str
the name given to the output column containing the results of applying
the function
grouping_columns: List
the set of columns used for partitioning the dataset
raw: bool
whether to append the raw output of `transform_function` to the result list
aggregate: bool
whether the transform function returns a scalar or an object (like a `pandas.DataFrame`)
pre_concatenate: bool
concatenate all input DataFrames before processing
transform_function: Union[Callable[[pandas.DataFrame], pandas.DataFrame], Callable[[pandas.DataFrame], object], str]
The unary function to apply to a each partition. Should expect an
`pandas.DataFrame` as argument and return a `pandas.DataFrame` (or an arbitrary object if `raw` is true).
extra_code: Optional[str]
This can contain additional code for the transform function, such as
the definition of a function over multiple lines or split into multiple
functions for readibility.
timestamp_selector: Callable
the function to select the row in the partition data as template for the output in case of aggregation
yaml_tag = '!GroupedFunctionTransform'
def __init__(self, dataset_name:str, output_dataset_name:str
, input_column:str, output_column:str
, grouping_columns:List
, raw:bool=False
, aggregate:bool=False
, pre_concatenate:bool=False
, transform_function:Union[Callable[[pd.DataFrame], pd.DataFrame], Callable[[pd.DataFrame], object], str]=None
, extra_code:Optional[str]=None
, timestamp_selector:Callable=pd.DataFrame.head):
self.dataset_name = dataset_name
self.output_dataset_name = output_dataset_name
self.input_column = input_column
self.output_column = output_column
self.grouping_columns = grouping_columns
if not transform_function:
msg = f'No transform_function has been defined for GroupedFunctionTransform!'
self.transform_function = transform_function
self.extra_code = extra_code
self.timestamp_selector = timestamp_selector
self.raw = raw
self.pre_concatenate = pre_concatenate
self.aggregate = aggregate
def aggregate_frame(self, data):
if data.empty:
logw(f'GroupedFunctionTransform return is empty!')
return pd.DataFrame()
if (get_logging_level() == logging.DEBUG):
# logd(f'{data.hour.unique()=}')
# Get the function to call and possibly compile and evaluate the code defined in
# extra_code in a separate global namespace.
# The compilation of the extra code has to happen in the thread/process
# of the processing worker since code objects can't be serialized.
transform_function, _ = self.evaluate_function(self.transform_function, self.extra_code)
if len(self.grouping_columns) == 1:
grouping_columns = self.grouping_columns[0]
grouping_columns = self.grouping_columns
result_list = []
for group_key, group_data in data.groupby(by=grouping_columns, sort=False, observed=True):
result = transform_function(group_data)
if self.raw:
# just append the keys for the subset and the transformed DataFrame
result_list.append((group_key, result))
if self.aggregate:
# take the first row of the data and use it as a template
# row for the output DataFrame
row = group_data.head(n=1)
row = row.drop(labels=[self.input_column], axis=1)
# add the results a new column
row[self.output_column] = result
# print(f'<<<<>>>>> {row=}')
# add the results a new column
group_data[self.output_column] = result
# print(f'<<<<>>>>> {group_data=}')
if not self.raw:
# concatenate all the partitions
result = pd.concat(result_list, ignore_index=True)
result = result_list
if (get_logging_level() == logging.DEBUG):
logd(f'GroupedFunctionTransform "{}" result:\n{result}')
return result
def prepare(self):
data = self.get_data(self.dataset_name)
jobs = []
if self.pre_concatenate:
# concatenate all input DataFrames before processing
concat_result = dask.delayed(pd.concat)(tuple(map(operator.itemgetter(0), data)), ignore_index=True)
job = dask.delayed(self.aggregate_frame)(concat_result)
# TODO: better DataAttributes
jobs.append((job, DataAttributes(source_file=self.input_column, alias=self.output_column)))
for d, attributes in data:
job = dask.delayed(self.aggregate_frame)(d)
jobs.append((job, attributes))
# allow other tasks to depend on the output of the delayed job
self.data_repo[self.output_dataset_name] = jobs
return jobs
def register_constructors():
Register YAML constructors for all transforms
yaml.add_constructor('!ConcatTransform', proto_constructor(ConcatTransform))
yaml.add_constructor('!FunctionTransform', proto_constructor(FunctionTransform))
yaml.add_constructor('!ColumnFunctionTransform', proto_constructor(ColumnFunctionTransform))
yaml.add_constructor('!GroupedAggregationTransform', proto_constructor(GroupedAggregationTransform))
yaml.add_constructor('!GroupedFunctionTransform', proto_constructor(GroupedFunctionTransform))
yaml.add_constructor('!MergeTransform', proto_constructor(MergeTransform))