from typing import Callable, Iterable, Union
import yaml
def load_yaml_from_file(file_name:str):
Read and evaluate the YAML contained in the file with the given name, construct the corresponding python object
and return it.
file_name: str
The path to the file to load.
The object parsed from the YAML definitions in the given file.
with open(file_name, mode = 'rt', encoding = 'utf_8') as text_file:
parsed_object = yaml.unsafe_load(
return parsed_object
def construct_bool(loader, node):
x = loader.construct_scalar(node)
if x == 'false' or x == 'False':
x = False
elif x == 'true' or x == 'True':
x = True
raise ValueError(f'wrong value for boolean type: {x}')
return x
def construct_numeral(loader, node, type_constructor:Callable = int):
Construct a numeral scalar and cast to the desired type
x = loader.construct_scalar(node)
x = type_constructor(x)
return x
def construct_joined_sequence(loader:yaml.Loader, sequence:Union[yaml.nodes.SequenceNode, Iterable]):
if isinstance(sequence, yaml.nodes.SequenceNode):
# Construct the nodes of the SequenceNode into an Iterable.
joined_sequence = decode_node(loader, sequence)
elif isinstance(sequence, Iterable):
# First construct all the contained nodes.
nodes_to_join = []
for node in sequence:
x = decode_node(loader, node)
# Now join all the nodes of the sequence depending on the type.
if all(map(lambda x: isinstance(x, str), nodes_to_join)):
# A list of strings is joined into a single string.
joined_sequence = ''.join(nodes_to_join)
elif all(map(lambda x: isinstance(x, list), nodes_to_join)):
# A list of lists is joined into a single list.
joined_sequence = []
for elm in nodes_to_join:
elif all(map(lambda x: isinstance(x, dict), nodes_to_join)):
# A list of dictionaries is joined into a single dictionary.
joined_sequence = {}
for elm in nodes_to_join:
# Inhomogenous sequences are not supported.
raise TypeError(f"Unsuitable types for joining: {[ type(x).__name__ for x in nodes_to_join ]}"
f"\n{nodes_to_join= }")
# Cover all remaining cases.
raise TypeError(f"Unsuitable sequence for joining: {type(sequence).__name__}" f"\n{sequence}")
return joined_sequence
def decode_node(loader, node):
match type(node):
case yaml.ScalarNode:
match node.tag:
case '!include':
x = load_yaml_from_file(node.value)
case ',2002:bool' | '!bool' | '!!bool':
x = construct_bool(loader, node)
case ',2002:float' | '!float' | '!!float':
x = construct_numeral(loader, node, float)
case ',2002:int' | '!int' | '!!int':
x = construct_numeral(loader, node, int)
case ',2002:complex' | '!complex' | '!!complex':
x = construct_numeral(loader, node, complex)
case ',2002:null' | '!null' | '!!null':
x = None
case ',2002:tuple' | '!tuple' | '!!tuple':
x = eval(node.value) # pylint: disable=W0123:eval-used
case ',2002:code' | '!code' | '!!code':
x = eval(node.value) # pylint: disable=W0123:eval-used
case ',2002:eval' | '!eval' | '!!eval':
x = eval(node.value) # pylint: disable=W0123:eval-used
case ',2002:dict' | '!dict' | '!!dict':
x = eval(node.value) # pylint: disable=W0123:eval-used
case _:
# use the default scalar constructor
x = loader.construct_scalar(node)
case yaml.MappingNode:
x = loader.construct_mapping(node)
case yaml.SequenceNode:
match node.tag:
case '!join':
# Join all the elements of the sequence.
x = construct_joined_sequence(loader, node.value)
case _:
x = loader.construct_sequence(node)
case _:
x = None
return x
def proto_constructor(class_constructor, set_defaults = None):
def constructor(loader, node):
parameters = {}
# construct proper python objects from the YAML definitions to pass as class parameters
for pair in node.value:
# decode member variable name
x = decode_node(loader, pair[0])
# decode member variable value
y = decode_node(loader, pair[1])
parameters[x] = y
return class_constructor(**parameters)
return constructor
def include_constructor(loader, node):
x = load_yaml_from_file(node.value)
return x
def register_constructors():
Register YAML constructors for all the custom tags
yaml.add_constructor('!include', include_constructor)
yaml.add_constructor('!join', construct_joined_sequence)